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Arana Swiss Teams (May 2015)
Place CatTeam (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A FOX (12)86 97.976-0-1 5.75
2 A MOSES (9)91 94.875-0-2 4.15
3 A CARTER (4)72 94.376-0-1 3.36
4 A STONEMAN (18)57 89.035-1-1 2.48
5 A RUNTING (17)61 86.855-0-2 2.00
6 A LONGFORD (15)58 85.253-2-2 1.60
7 A STRONG (10)44 83.295-0-2 1.60
8 A AFFLICK (8)42 82.404-1-2 1.40
9 A PARKER (1)34 82.135-0-2 1.40
10 A LUCK (2)32 79.684-0-3 1.17
11 A DAWSON (16)53 79.223-0-4 0.96
12 A LEE (7)25 76.254-0-3 0.64
13 A JACKMAN (5)23 74.533-0-4 0.48
14 A SCHOUTROP (11)15 74.014-0-3 0.64
15 A ROBSON (3)4 72.053-1-3 0.56
16 B STEINHARDT (19)28 71.463-1-3 0.56
17 A ACKLIN (13)-7 67.464-0-3 0.64
18 B HOLMES (30)-6 67.393-0-4 0.48
19 B WILKINSON (21)-10 66.753-0-4 0.48
20 A TUCKER (6)-22 66.264-0-3 0.64
21 B PEARCE (24)-4 65.982-0-5 0.32
22 A RYAN (14)-23 64.663-0-4 0.48
23 B CUTMORE (23)-31 60.623-0-4 0.48
24 B GOSNEY (25)-42 59.093-0-4 0.48
25 B BUTLER (26)-70 54.833-0-4 0.48
26 B MATTHEW (29)-50 54.403-0-4 0.48
27 B TAYLOR (20)-48 54.022-0-5 0.32
28 B ROONEY (22)-58 53.272-0-5 0.32
29 B PESCATORE (31)-64 52.052-0-5 0.32
30 B DICKERSON (27)-84 49.892-0-5 0.32
31 B BROADLEY (28)-87 46.402-0-5 0.32
32 B VAN BEEST (32)-119 33.570-0-7  
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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