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Hervey Bay Swiss Teams (May 2015)
Place CatTeam (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A Gulley (7)93 95.774-2-1 4.13
2 A Dawes (1)53 88.995-2-0 3.29
3 A Perry (3)71 86.304-0-3 2.31
4 B McLean (14)39 82.675-0-2 1.91
5 A Gordon (9)44 80.993-1-3 1.39
6 A Kellerman (5)20 79.215-0-2 1.47
7 A Stoneman (4)20 78.295-0-2 1.36
8 A Goerg (6)17 73.503-0-4 0.48
9 A Beckett (8)12 72.532-2-3 0.48
10 B Ruttiman (13)12 71.693-1-3 0.56
11 A Butler (10)-4 70.744-2-1 0.80
12 A Bundesen (12)17 69.802-1-4 0.40
13 A Feeney (2)3 69.592-1-4 0.40
14 A Stevens (11)-24 65.403-2-2 0.64
15 B Akhtar (18)-25 64.223-1-3 0.56
16 B Mayes (16)-17 63.142-1-4 0.40
17 B Goodwin (15)-7 62.981-1-5 0.24
18 B Steinberg (20)-66 53.853-0-4 0.48
19 B Bloore (17)-120 38.871-1-5 0.24
20 B Ronning (19)-138 31.471-0-6 0.16
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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